Susan Helmore

Why is brain health important?

We know a lot about how to be healthy and to look after our heart, lungs, gut or our skin. We know to avoid sunburn, do some exercise, avoid trans fats and to not smoke. But what about our brain. Do you know the importance of brain health? Do you know what you can do every single day to optimise your brain health so that you can live a long healthy fulfilled life?

The health of our brain is often overlooked. However ironically, it is our brain that does the overlooking. Our brain controls our breathing, our heartbeat, our muscles, our thinking…everything. Our brain is the control centre of our whole self. Our brains are what makes us a unique species and what makes each of us a unique individual.

Our brains allow us to think, feel, visualise, create memories, communicate, solve problems, the list goes on. Our brain is the super engine of our very identities.

A healthy brain is absolutely necessary to live a good life. If our brains are not heathy, so much can go wrong. Our mood, thinking and behaviour can change. Our ability to communicate and remember can be impaired. Even our personalities can be altered. This can impact everything we take for granted.

Due to an unhealthy brain we may not be able to go to work, or look after our loved ones. We may not be able to enjoy the activities we love doing. We may not be able to look after ourselves!

We do not wish to develop any of the diseases that can affect the brain. Dementia, stroke, brain cancers and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons Disease and Motor Neurone Disease, all affect the brain. We may have cared for loved ones who have suffered from these diseases so we know the effects they have not only on the person, but everyone who loves them.

Having a healthy brain is extremely essential to live a good life. Having optimal brain health allows us to flourish and to be the best we can be, every day. Having a healthy brain means we can prevent, or reduce the risk of getting a terrifying chronic disease that affects the brain and has enormous impacts on our life and those we love. Having a healthy brain ensures we can live a long healthy fulfilling life.

To have a healthy brain requires us to live a brain healthy lifestyle. Sleep, move, nourish, connect, calm and have purpose. These are essential lifestyle behaviours that we can do every day to ensure our brains are in optimal health.

“Add years to your life, AND add life to your years”

To find out how you can live a brain healthy lifestyle and how I can help you do this, book a free call with me.

Photo by Priyanka Singh on Unsplash