Coaches help people build a better future for themselves. Coaches do not focus on improving a clinically diagnosed condition. Coaches are strengths focussed, supporting self-initiated change. Coaching is growth-promoting, allowing people to find the answers for themselves. Coaches help people make sustainable changes to behaviours, rather than giving them ‘expert advice’. As a Health Coach I work with people who wish to change or improve a specific health behaviour so that they can be happier and healthier.
Educators help people to learn new information. Having knowledge empowers people with choices and allows them to contemplate making positive changes. Information provided is based on scientific evidence. Educators tend to be experienced in their area of knowledge and skilled in presenting information to others. They may be called on as the expert. As an Educator, I share information with people about communication, health and wellbeing, in particular brain health and cognitive fitness. I feel everyone has the ability to be an effective and confident communicator, and to be healthy and happy.
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash