Susan Helmore

Nature’s garden

It is mid-winter, but here in Wanaka, it still feels a bit like Autumn with few frosts, little snow and some very mild days. One of my very favourite past times is being in my vegetable garden. Even in mid-winter you can find me most days pulling something from the ground or picking something to go in our evening meal.

For me it is a very relaxing activity, in my space, hearing the birds, breathing the crisp air. I can sometimes be found out there at 6pm with a head torch scrabbling around for food whilst I create a meal idea at the last minute in my mind. I marvel at how the earth can produce food for us, even in these colder months. I enjoy getting the cold soil on my hands as I scrap it from the bright orange carrots. I hope that the ground isn’t frozen so that the carrots and leeks will actually pull out, and the tops don’t break off with the treasure frozen underground. I always look to see if I can see the beans or garlic poking through the earth, but they are not to be seen as yet.

In July my garden provides me with Silverbeet, Spinach, Carrots, Leeks and Broccoli.