Susan Helmore

What is cognition and cognitive reserve?

I had a client recently who asked me to explain cognition and I realised that perhaps this is not a readily understood term, so I thought I would explain it in more detail. I will also explain what cognitive impairment and cognitive reserve are. If you are interested in the health of your brain, then … Read more

Move for Brain Health

‘One of the best exercises for your brain is physical exercise?’ There is strong evidence that regular physical activity is associated with better brain function, reduced mental illness, and reduced risk of cognitive decline and dementia Effects of physical inactivity reduced blood flow – high cholesterol, plaques in arteries reduced cognitive function – difficulty thinking, … Read more

March is brain awareness month

Brain Awareness Month is a global campaign to foster public enthusiasm and support for brain science. Every March, all over the world, partners host imaginative activities in their communities that share the wonders of the brain and the impact brain science has on our everyday lives. Brain Awareness Month was founded in 1996 by the … Read more

Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease

This is a scary disease. 40 million people around the world have Alzheimer’s Disease, however many more are significantly impacted by it – family, carers, communities, health workers, along with our already over burdened health systems. Someone with dementia is diagnosed every 3 seconds and Alzheimer’s Disease is the most prevalent type accounting for 50-70%. … Read more

Eat well to think well

Have you ever thought about how WHAT you eat, impacts how you think? Well perhaps you should. Findings from a huge research study involving almost 28000 participants from all over the world, reported in Neurology found that those who ate healthy foods which included fruit, vegetables especially leafy greens and beans, nuts, seeds and legumes … Read more