Susan Helmore

Are you really listening?

We know how to listen don’t we? Our ears hear the words and we listen to the words. Then we reply, and this exchange is a conversation. We know when listening is difficult when someone has a hearing impairment or there is too much noise in the environment.

But have you really considered whether you are really and truly listening? Here are some tips on how to tune in and listen with all of you, not just with your ears.

  • Give the other person your undivided attention.
  • Think only about what you are listening to, not anything else.
  • Try not to interrupt.
  • Pause before you speak.
  • Think about what to say after the other person has finished speaking.
  • Listen to what they are not say.
  • Check how the other person may be feeling through their facial expression, tone of voice, volume, body language.
  • Weave what the other person just said, into what you will say.
  • Reflect back what the other person said. This shows you are really listening.
  • Remove environmental distractions – put your phone away, turn the TV off, go into a quiet room.
  • Listen twice as much as you talk.